

Partnering for the Growth of Soccer

Through a successful cooperative endeavor agreement, Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government (TPCG) and the Houma-Terrebonne Soccer Association (HTSA) are able to provide quality soccer facilities and programs to our area.

HTSA has developed and implemented several recreational programs throughout Terrebonne Parish, including programs available to youth of all ages, competitive soccer players, adults aged 19 and above, and accessible soccer for individuals with special needs. Soccer fields at Bayou Country Sports Park were developed and built by TPCG, with Recreation District 2/3 and HTSA assisting TPCG in maintaining the fields. With having over 1,200 members, TPCG and HTSA are recognized as leaders in the expansion of soccer as one of the fastest growing team sports in the community.

To find out more information about soccer programs or to register, please contact the Houma-Terrebonne Soccer Association at (985) 868-3897 or visit